Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Midweek Update Week 1 and give-away

Hey guys,
I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's Eve and celebrated safely. With this post I'm going to put one of my New Year's resolutions into action. I realized that sometimes I crochet non-stop for several days or weeks and then I tend to enter into a period of doing nothing for a long time. To prevent this in the future, I am going to make myself accountable to you guys. From now on out, I will post an update every Wednesday and include pictures of what I'm working on and how far I've gotten. I believe that this way I will be more productive.
If you like my page on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter, you will know that I am currently working on a Santa Jack Skellington. I can already tell you this much: it will be huge! The last Jack I made was done with a C/2 hook. This one I'm doing with a I/9 hook. And already the first one was 21 inches tall! I'm only done with part of the leg so far, but can you see the difference in the two feet? Isn't that crazy? How tall do you think the Santa Jack will be? Let me know what you think. The person whose guess is closest by the time I'm done will win a FREE SANTA JACK SKELLINGTON PATTERN! To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment with your guess and I will contact you once Jack is finished and measured. Here is a picture of both feet, so you can compare and make a guess:
left is the Santa Jack and right the normal Jack
Good luck and I'll see you soon :)

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